On the Road Again

I woke up to a quiet house and wandered upstairs to make my chai. I joined Matt in the sun room just in time to watch the glow come over the horizon. He was busy plotting our route to Nashville and I snuggled into my chair to do my morning Bible study. I’m doing a 12-day study of James and it’s SO GOOD. James just gets ya right in the heart every time. I was particularly struck by 1:19-20, “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not product the righteousness of God. Our world celebrates a “quick comeback” or a zinging reply. Instead, we are to be CAREFUL what we are saying at all times. God celebrates a kind, thoughtful response. God even celebrates no response at all:

Whoever restrains his words has knowledge,
and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.
even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise;
when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

Proverbs 17:27-28

That last part always makes me giggle. Just stay quiet and people will think you know a lot of stuff. LOL! I get along really well with my family…but I’m definitely going to meditate on these verses as we go into the holiday week. There are encouragements to tame the tongue and temper over and over in scripture, so I want to pay attention! So helpful in parenting as well.

We are veteran road warriors…but It still takes some time to get this beast ready for the road! This is the first time we are towing this particular vehicle so there was some extra prep. For those who are new around here…we traveled full-time for 10 years and have had many different rigs. This particular one is a 45-foot 2005 Tiffin Zephyr and we love it! There is a king bed and 2 bunks in the back…and a double bed in the front. I took a video of it right after we remodeled it…so take a little tour if you want to see!

Maggie dog driving the RV

Maggie and Maia are overjoyed that they get to come along for this trip! We have left them at home with the farm sitters the last 3 trips, so they were getting a little nervous.

It’s always hard to leave our other animals at home though…I think if Lucy had her way, some of her favorite chickens would come along for the ride! LOL This beauty is “Copper”. She’s a Black Copper Marans + Silkie mix and has just started laying the sweetest little brown eggs.

Janssen family photo in RV

Family photo and prayer time before we embark on the journey…we’re all stocked up with art supplies, books, movies, and snacks. Let’s gooooooooo!